Matt Davis
We lost Matt way too soon, but his memory will live on, and be honored through the pages of DicE.
R.I.P Matt Davis
Dean Micetich
With the help of his best friend Matt, DicE was created DicE from their passion of motorcycles, and to fill a void that they felt was missing in the custom motorcycle world. Since the DicE family has grown beyond their wildest dreams.
Jimmy Dean Horn
associate creative director
He is obviously a leather daddy power ranger.
Cassandra Barragan
Timo Caraco
Ken Carvajal
Chris Church
Troy Critchlow
Remi Desclaux
Marco Frino
Oil Gagnon
Jose Gallina
Daron Grey
Carey Haider
Jerami Johnson
Dean Chooch Landry
Arto Karvonen
David Leyshon
Ana Llorente
Rob Lunetta
Abigail Maurice
Andrea Mazzon
Larry Niehues
Collier Ott
Boon Photography
Rob Pryce
Fil Rebellato
Mikey Revolt
Bran De Roeck
Japo Santos
Dan Sheridan
Michael Schmidt
Lauren Schneider
Jeremiah Smith
Jonny Wilson
Heidi Zumbrum