Demon Drome "Wall of Death"

It was our honour to be granted access to the world of the remarkable Seymour family and their traveling "wall of death" - DEMON DROME.

We had a memorable time with the Wall of Death Family, spanning four incredible days. We spent the first two days watching them raise the nearly 100-year-old wall of death from the ground. It was constructed in 1927 and shortly after shipped to the UK. The Seymours have been the care-takers for 20 years now.

On the third day, which was a day off of sorts, they enjoyed a little bit of racing around the grounds on the 2 Indian Motorcycles above which have 100 years betwen them . The day was of course finished by some proper west country scrumpy cider.

On the last day, the family went wild, showcasing their nutty stunt s and tearing the place apart.

It was a rush as we watched them skrrrrt around the top of the wall, barely inches from our faces. They are maniacs in the best possible way!

Peep the full video below.

Stills and video by Samson Hatae and Mark Kirkland

DicE Magazine