Japan 2022 snaps

We came, we saw, we conquered all the Sapporo we could get our dirty mitts on! Tokyo is truly the greatest place on Earth so it’s our pleasure every time we are invited out to the HRCS in Yokohama.

Grant, Dean, myself and on occasion my brother Jack trampled around the city hitting the local puppy cafes, Sportster caves and sushi hot spots. At one point the katsu curry was re-invented with not 1 but 2 types of gravy. The locals celebrated us and clapped as we left the restaurant. Yayy us.

All in all a huge success. Ain’t we just the best.

Big thank you to FreakMount and Harley-Davidson for picking up numerous tabs and keeping the good times rolling.

See you next year.

-Horsey xoxo

DicE Magazine